With Canada’s aging population, there are growing career opportunities in senior services
Canada’s aging population means senior-focused careers are the next big thing in this country. By 2025, Statistics Canada expects 9.1 per cent of the population will be age 75 or older. These seniors will require assistance from many sources, including medical professionals and caretakers. Newcomers with a background in nursing, medicine or social services can find very rewarding careers working with Canada’s senior population. Here are some of the careers to consider.
Personal support worker
Personal support workers may work in an individual’s home, a long-term care home or a hospital. These individuals help clients to perform daily tasks such as bathing, eating and taking medication, and help seniors to improve their quality of life.
Personal support worker training programs are offered at community colleges across the country and are typically 500 hours in length, including practical experience. Personal support workers are part of an unregulated health care profession, which means there is no officially recognized certification or regulatory body governing this career. If you’re internationally trained, you can have your transcripts reviewed by a community college and you may be able to be exempt from some courses in their program.
Salaries for personal support workers can vary from about $14 to $23 an hour. Many positions are casual or part-time. There are also self-employment opportunities here, as you can market your services as your own business.
Occupational therapist
As an occupational therapist, you will help seniors maintain their quality of life. You may assist with personal care or mobility issues; teaching someone how to cook with one arm after they’ve suffered a stroke for example, or making changes to their home environment to allow them to get in and out of the bathtub with greater ease.
Occupational therapists are regulated by the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT). The minimum standard for registration as an occupational therapist is a bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy. As an internationally trained occupational therapist looking to relicense in Canada, you must register with the Association of Canadian Occupational Therapy Regulatory Organization and pass an equivalency exam to determine whether your education and competencies are equivalent to those of a Canadian-educated occupational therapist. You will then take the national occupational therapy certification examination and apply for registration in the province you live in.
Occupational therapists can earn around $60,000 a year.
Nurses are in high demand in nursing homes, palliative care homes and in home care associations. Employment in nursing has been growing steadily in the last decade, yet the Canadian Nurses Association still projects a shortfall of nearly 60,000 nurses by 2022 due to Canada’s aging demographic.
Nursing is a regulated profession, meaning applicants must meet the requirements of the College of Nurses. There are three types of nursing careers in Canada. Registered practical nurses (RPNs) or licensed practical nurses (LPNs) require a two-year diploma in practical nursing that can be completed at a community college. Registered nurses (RNs) complete either a collaborative college-university nursing program or a four-year university nursing program leading to a bachelor of science in nursing or a bachelor of nursing. An RN’s education is more comprehensive and therefore they are often responsible for taking care of patients with more complex needs. Graduates work for two to five years as a registered nurse and are then able to pursue a degree as a nurse practitioner, the highest nursing designation.
Foreign-trained nurses are required to have their credentials certified by the regulatory body in their province and must write the Canadian registered nurse examination. Bridging programs are available at many colleges across the country.
Salaries for nurses vary by province and level of experience, but someone entering the profession can expect to earn around $60,000 while a more experienced nurse may make around $80,000.
Recreation manager
Health care is not the only field that will see an increase in demand. As more and more assisted living facilities and independent living facilities are being built to house seniors who are unable to continue living in their own homes, staff are needed to make those environments as enjoyable as possible for residents. Recreation managers, also called lifestyle program managers, may work in nursing homes or assisted living facilities. They plan events, activities and programs for residents, co-ordinate classes and field trips, and assist residents in living a fulfilling life.
To work in senior recreation, you should have a post-secondary education in gerontology or social work as well as experience working with seniors. An international diploma in these fields would also be accepted, although there may be cultural differences between nursing homes abroad and in Canada. Volunteering in an assisted living facility or nursing home in Canada can help to bridge this knowledge gap. Some post-secondary institutions include field placements as part of their program to give students on-the-ground experience. CPR and first aid are also required to be a recreation manager, as well as strong communication skills and a passion for working with seniors.
Salary expectations vary by home and experience, but these are typically full-time permanent positions.