The gig economy: a new way to look at career opportunities; pros and cons
Many of us grew up with the idea that a career was for life: you go to university or college, learn a profession or occupation, get a job in a good company and with some effort, time and luck, you’ll get promoted up the career ladder until is time to retire. Until about a decade ago, that was the usual pattern. You would change jobs once or twice, but anything more than that may even seem suspicious, unless you were moving to another country. Careers and jobs were very stable. Today, this is not necessarily the case. While a majority of traditional jobs and careers continue to follow that pattern, the gig economy is increasingly changing the way we see careers, jobs and even formal studies. But first things first: what is the gig economy?
What’s the gig?
The gig economy is made up of freelance, part-time, contract and temporary jobs. While these have always existed, what was once six per cent of the total workforce is now 43 per cent and growing. For employers, the gig economy allows them to save money, become more efficient and access to highly skilled workers only when they need them. They save on vacation pay, insurance and other employee benefits and, in some cases, rent and supplies. For workers, the gig economy can be really challenging; they are always on the lookout for a new “gig” or contract/project, and face unsteady income, no benefits, no pension and the chance to be taken advantage of.
There is, however, a bright side to it: if planned well, the gig economy can lead to real life-work balance, enabling workers to take time off between gigs, reassess their concept of success and quality of life, use diverse skill-sets instead of just one, connect with interesting new people and projects, and participate in a more sustainable and strong local economy.
According to author Diane Mulcahy in her book The Gig Economy, there are 10 rules to succeed in this freelance environment:
Define your success.
Create your own security.
Connect without networking.
Face fear by reducing risk.
Take time off between gigs.
Be mindful about time.
Be financially flexible.
Think access, not ownership.
Save for a traditional retirement … but don’t plan on having one.
Pros and cons of the gig economy
But the gig economy has pros and cons for both employers and employees.
For employees and jobseekers, the benefits include:
You can focus on your priorities and make decisions around how you want to invest your time and energy.
It gives you control over how you organize your time, finances and the work you do.
You have more freedom to try new interests and careers as opposed to staying attached to one career for life.
It allows you to diversify, which builds career resilience in uncertain times.
It opens the door for more independence and meaningful work through social enterprises and start-ups.
You work only when you need, giving you the freedom to pursue other things such as more time with family, personal projects, learning, travelling or working on your own business.
For employers and small business owners:
It saves money as companies only pay for the job done, and not for time spent when there is no real work.
It allows them to select among the best based on skills as opposed to seniority.
It provides flexibility to hire for small projects, tasks or consultations.
Of course, the gig economy also has cons for both sides as well.
For employees:
You need to stay competitive by updating your skills regularly and continuously networking.
Gigs are uncertain, and so are income and opportunities.
Competition may be high for well-paid and tractive gigs.
Uncertainty may lead to accepting projects or gigs with substandard compensation or working conditions.
For employers:
With a high turnaround of employees, quality of products, services and processes may be difficult to sustain.
Good workers may be difficult to find for short-term projects unless there is high compensation.
– Argentinian-born Silvia Di Blasio is a certified career counsellor and life coach with a passion for sustainability, food security and resilient communities. She works as a case manager helping immigrants to get back to their pre-landing occupations at the Career Paths Program at ISSofBC.