Helping women entrepreneurs succeed

The upcoming Women’s Entrepreneurship Forum zeros in on the challenges facing innovators and strategies to overcome them.

Whether you are running your own business or are dreaming about  launching a venture one day, the Women’s Entrepreneurship Forum offers insights and strategies to help you prepare for the challenges ahead. The City of Toronto’s Small Business Enterprise Centre is hosting a free virtual event on June 20 that’s geared at women at every stage of entrepreneurship.

Cheryl Blackman, interim general manager of economic development at the City, kicks off the day-long event with a keynote address. Then, top Toronto business leaders share what helped them thrive in non-traditional sectors. As well, a series of panel discussions explores the systemic barriers that limit the growth of women-owned enterprises.

Many women entrepreneurs contend with not only gender bias and systemic discrimination, but also struggle to secure financing and other supports. And yet, research shows that greater gender equality in the workforce can provide a giant boost to the economy — the federal government estimates it could add some $150 billion in GDP

To find out more and to register click here.


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